2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'air force education benefits'|...erstwhile elites who have gotten a thoroughly modern (and Correct) college/university education. I am going to propose here that this ‘deconstruction and disintegration of the paradigm...

About 'air force education benefits'|...erstwhile elites who have gotten a thoroughly modern (and Correct) college/university education. I am going to propose here that this ‘deconstruction and disintegration of the paradigm...

Students               now               completing               their               education               are               certainly               aware               they               face               a               questionable               economy.

The               job               market               has               been               slow               for               the               past               several               years               and               its               future               is               still               uncertain.

I               served               in               the               United               States               Navy               from               ages               18-43               and               now               as               a               retiree,               I               still               enjoy               the               financial               benefits               from               my               service.

My               Navy               Experience               
               I               joined               the               Navy               at               18,               completed               25               years               and               retired               at               43.

Ever               since               I've               received               a               monthly               pension               check.

Additionally,               with               the               experience               and               skills               I               acquired               in               the               service,               immediately               following               retirement               I               began               a               well-paying               civilian               career               that               spanned               another               20               years.

               Armed               Forces               Offer               Security               
               As               millions               of               new               grads               seek               career               opportunities,               the               military               is               one               that               offers               something               no               other               field               can               promise               at               this               time.

Job               security.

Those               who               join               the               Armed               Forces               can               expect               to               to               stay               in               their               jobs               for               20               years               or               more.

Then,               in               addition               to               many               other               benefits,               they               can               retire               while               still               relatively               young               with               pensions               for               the               rest               of               their               lives.
               Career               Pension               Potential               
               About               pension               benefits               in               today's               Armed               Forces,               consider               my               example,               I               retired               as               a               chief               petty               officer.

For               a               Navy/Coast               Guard               chief               petty               officer               or               Army/Marine/Air               Force               master               sergeant               who               completes               20               years               of               service.

The               annual               lifetime               pension               is               about               $60,000.

For               a               career               commissioned               officer,               it               can               total               $140,000               and               more.

For               those               who               stay               in               the               service               longer,               the               pensions               climb               higher.
               Potential               Negatives               
               Of               course,               there               are               the               negatives               about               military               service               to               consider.

Deployment               overseas               may               take               you               away               from               your               family               for               long               periods               of               time.

Additionally,               frequent               changes               in               locations               require               uprooting               every               time               you're               transferred.

               Facing               The               Dangers               
               There's               also               the               reality               of               dangers               in               a               military               career.

When               there's               a               war               going               on,               you               could               get               killed.

However,               similar               dangers               are               also               real               considerations               for               those               who               choose               to               be               police,               firefighters,               long-haul               truckers,               coal               miners               and               a               hundred               other               active               and               potentially-dangerous               vocations.
               Career               Security               
               The               current               world               situation               may               make               a               service               career               secure               for               new               grads.

There's               the               recent               history               of               the               U.S.

involvement               in               the               international               scene.

Since               the               Gulf               War               in               1990,               there               has               been               the               need               for               continuous               U.S.

military               presence               in               the               Middle               East               and               elsewhere.

Prospects               are               that               the               situation               will               not               change               for               the               next               20               years.
               I               believe               my               Navy               career               was               a               positive               choice               for               me.

Among               many               other               benefits,               it               gave               me               opportunities               to               learn               a               vocation,               see               the               world               and               serve               my               country.

Retirement               and               pension               after               25               years               also               allowed               me               adequate               time               for               a               second               satisfying               career.
               Reference:               military.com

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