2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'college for air force'|Foothill College Board Chooses Air Force Base

About 'college for air force'|Foothill College Board Chooses Air Force Base

Just               like               a               few               years               ago               computer               and               information               technology               companies               started               working               on               microchip               technology,               just               like               DARPA               created               the               Intranet               and               later               the               Internet,               non-profits               surrogate               to               government               agencies               such               as               the               Army,               Navy               and               Air               Force               are               now               implementing               radio               frequency               technology               to               effect               people's               thoughts               and               behaviors.

The               history               of               mind               control               begins               with               Hypnotism.

In               the               1920's               the               Harvard               Labs               started               a               project               for               the               creation               of               a               "Manchurian               candidate".

George               Esterbrooks,               a               scientist               in               the               Laboratory,               worked               along               colleagues               in               a               project               to               implement               the               idea               of               submitting               a               person               into               a               deep               state               of               hypnosis               so               they               could               fracture               the               human               personality               into               two               different               individuals,               one               with               full               knowledge               of               himself               and               the               environment,               and               the               other               with               no               knowledge               whatsoever.

Such               individuals               would               be               used               as               super               spies               in               the               Soviet               Union               and               Germany.

Should               an               individual               get               caught               he               would               not               be               able               to               remember               anything               of               their               true               identity.
               Esterbrooks               wrote               books               on               hypnotism,               spiritism               and               minds               control               through               the               use               of               LSD.

On               the               publication               MK               Ultra               in               June               1975,               from               page               225               on               it               is               clear               that               LSD               and               other               hallucinogenics               were               used               to               mold               the               mind               of               individuals               in               order               to               create               a               double               personality,               which               can               be               switched               and               manipulated               with               spoken               commands.

These               were               scientists               working               at               psychiatric               facilities               who               were               in               charge               of               programs               working               with               mental               patients,               who               they               said               could               take               advantage               of               the               good               effects               of               LSD               and               other               substances               for               their               cure,               but               in               reality,               they               were               lab               rats               who               were               experienced               upon.

In               a               project               headed               by               Ewing               Cameron               and               directed               by               the               CIA,               American               mental               patients               and               Canadian               as               well,               were               transported               to               private               facilities               in               Canada               for               periods               of               six               months-sometimes               as               many               as               80               people               at               the               time-               where               they               were               abused               and               injected               with               PCP/LSD               cocktails,               as               well               as               experimented               with               radio               frequency               waves.

In               one               case,               a               mental               patient               -a               former               Army               officer-               was               brought               to               New               York               and               pushed               off               a               building               to               keep               him               from               speaking               out               on               what               he               was               subject               to               during               those               experiments.

At               least               150               pages               were               blackened               out               or               lost               while               investigations               concerning               mental               patients               abuse               were               conducted               in               the               United               States.
               Cases               of               mental               patients               abuses               abound               in               history               with               many               non-profit               organizations               working               as               heads               of               the               experiments.

A               group               called               The               Mankind               Research               Group,               in               Silversprings               Maryland,               was               one               of               the               surrogate               institutions               that               worked               behind               the               scenes               with               the               Navy               and               other               mainstream               institutions               who               wanted               to               maintain               experiments               of               the               mind               as               far               from               the               light               as               possible.

But               at               the               head               of               all               these               non-profits               were               mainstream               doctors               and               military               personnel,               who               could               not               carry               the               experiments               in               public               facilities               due               to               the               inhuman               techniques               that               were               used               at               the               time.
               More               recently,               the               Navy               openly               published               its               new               Manual               or               Protocol               for               Human               Mental               Experimentation,               dated               from               November               6th,               2006.

On               page               9,               it               boldly               states               that               it               is               the               undersecretary               of               the               Navy               who               is               in               charge               of               authorizing               all               human               experimentation               conducted               by               the               institution,               before               they               can               be               carried               out               on               mental               patients               or               prisoners.

In               addition,               there               is               a               request               for               proposal               from               the               Air               force               Research               Laboratory,               open               until               September               of               2009               which               reads:               "the               ultimate               goal               of               such               a               research               is               to               develop               a               fully               articulated               theory               with               supporting               predictive               models               which               will               facilitate               the               inducement               of               desired               behavioral               effects               in               individuals               and               groups               in               the               use               of               non-lethal               weapons."               This               adds               to               the               latest               admissions               by               DARPA               members,               who               have               accepted               the               notion               they               have               been               working               on               programs               of               mass               control               through               the               use               of               waves.

The               admissions               were               made               on               an               article               in               the               Baltimore               Sun.
               An               Air               Force               Research               Laboratory               publication               named               Technology               Horizons               from               June               2004               clearly               states               the               advanced               stages               which               many               mind               control               projects               have               achieved.

"With               the               advent               of               directed               energy               and               other               revolutionary               technologies,               the               ability               to               project               very               precise               amounts               of               many               types               of               energy               anywhere               in               the               world               is               now               a               reality.

Controlled               personnel               effects,               investigates               technologies               to               make               selected               adversaries               think               and               act               according               to               our               needs.

Dominant               remote               controls               seek               at               a               distance               to               manipulate               its               vehicles,               sensors,               communications,               and               information               systems               and               manipulate               them               for               military               purposes.

By               studying               and               modeling               the               human               brain               and               nervous               system,               the               ability               to               mentally               influence               or               control               personnel               is               also               possible.

Through               sensory               deception               it               is               also               possible               to               create               synthetic               images               to               confuse               an               individual's               sense               of               sound               taste,               tact               and               vision.

All               this               experimentation               with               mind               control               is               also               used               to               learn               how               to               unleash               the               powers               of               human               consciousness               that               do               not               manifest               very               often.

According               to               Dr.

Nick               Begich,               what               the               government               agencies               and               private               corporations               are               looking               for               is               how               to               get               access               to               the               most               basic               but               more               explosive               code               of               the               species               for               survival;               a               huge               leap               in               human               development.

Begich               says               it               is               all               about               what               we               as               humans               are               capable               of               and               how               nothing               on               this               earth               would               be               able               to               stop               it.

Begich               sustains               that               the               continuous               bombardment               of               fear               in               today's               society               towards               the               populations,               is               a               way               to               maintain               those               mental               powers               hidden;               powers               which               would               break               free               otherwise.
               In               the               1980's               agreements               between               the               Department               of               Justice               and               the               Department               of               Defense,               detailed               what               elements               of               mind               control               could               be               used               against               foreign               adversaries               and               domestically               on               the               people               of               the               United               States.

Documents               from               one               of               the               meetings               at               John               Hopkins               University,               which               was               declared               "classified",               talked               about               how               to               control               human               beings               as               the               ultimate               way               to               pacify               communities.

Through               the               use               of               technologies               like               Magnetic               Induction,               which               is               a               transfer               of               energy               through               space,               the               government               planned               to               maintain               GPS               systems               and               cell               phones               active               to               carry               out               wiretappings               on               citizens.

Although               it               was               first               presented               as               an               option               to               wirelessly               charge               cell               phone               and               GPS               system's               batteries,               it               can               also               be               used               to               modulate               the               electromagnetic               frequencies               to               influence               human               organs               such               as               the               brain,               the               liver,               the               heart,               etc.

The               transmission               of               specific               frequencies               would               be               achieved               through               the               use               of               cell               phone               towers,               which               would               transmit               those               frequencies               to               selected               areas               of               the               world,               a               country,               a               city               or               a               town               so               you               could               target               populations               at               specific               times.
               In               an               article               titled:               The               Mind               has               no               Firewalls,               the               US               Army               War               College               makes               clear               what               their               goals               are               as               far               as               controlling               the               mind               of               individuals               and               communities.

"The               new               cutting               edge               of               21st               Century               strategic               warfare               will               involve               targeting               and               elimination               of               the               enemy's               biophysical               field               (mind)               so               that               the               wetware               -               brain               -               has               no               firewalls               for               the               mind               (biophysical               field)               and               can               be               taken               over               and/or               destroyed               by               the               biophysical               field               of               a               remote               influencing               adept.

The               development               of               remote               viewing               using               Soviet               protocols               can               enable               remote               influencing               adepts               to               scan               the               minds               of               the               NSA               and               find               out,               in               detail,               the               secrets               of               their               research               into               anti-gravity,               inertia-less               drives,               beam               weapons-Since               the               NSA               use               mind               controlled               psychics               who               have               been               implanted               and               subject               to               severe               trauma               to               cause               a               multiple               personality,               targeting               the               chip               in               the               NSA               remote               viewing               zombies               renders               these               creatures               inoperable;               one               can               also               project               into               these               creatures'               minds               false               remote               viewing               images               so               they               see               what               you               want               them               to               see               -               they               enter               a               'Matrix'               where               you               are               the               AI."               In               Singapore,               there               is               today               a               massive               program               for               testing               mind               control               through               electromagnetic               waves               in               very               specific               zones.

The               projects               in               that               part               of               the               world               focus               on               keeping               people               on               a               lower               brain               wave               level.

The               effects               of               the               experiments               are               the               same               caused               by               fluoride               in               water               and               mercury               in               vaccines.

Those               two               substances               among               many               others               diminish               the               brain               capacity               to               use               its               power               and               all               the               skills               that               come               with               it.
               Another               technology               currently               used               in               mind               control               programs               is               quantum               computers.

Computers               have               the               capacity               to               map               every               item               you               purchase               in               the               supermarket               through               the               use               of               a               Radio               Frequency               Identification               (RFID),               just               like               the               ones               people               are               already               implanting               in               them.

Quantum               modeling               of               the               brain               clearly               shows               how               powerful               this               organ               really               is.

The               most               capable               current               super               computers               available               to               anybody,               which               can               equal               performances               equivalent               to               6.6               billion               people               doing               calculations               every               five               seconds               for               a               total               of               60               hours               do               those               very               operations               in               one               second.

The               human               brain               -a               quantum               computer               itself-               in               comparison,               can               take               the               same               calculations               those               people               could               do               in               a               trillion               years,               and               complete               them               in               one               hour.

That's               just               how               powerful               the               human               brain               is.

Those               who               now               work               in               quantum               computing               are               looking               for               a               way               to               develop               something               like               our               brain               power               -if               it               hasn't               already               been               found-               in               computers               which               will               be               capable,               for               example,               to               brake               any               encryption               that               ever               existed.

It               will               be               a               new               form               of               intelligence               that               surpasses               any               imaginable               idea               anyone               has               ever               had.

With               this               technology,               thoughts               will               be               manipulated               to               say               the               least.

Images,               ideas,               dreams               and               the               deepest               feelings               in               a               human               being               will               be               open               to               be               molded.
               Now               you               may               be               asking               what               are               the               odds               that               an               unscrupulous               mind               or               person               takes               this               technology               to               harm               us               all.

Well,               for               starters,               the               government               has               approved,               through               the               Departments               of               Defense               and               Justice               the               use               of               other               technologies               as               experimental               programs               on               citizens               in               order               to               later               make               them               part               of               our               daily               lives.

Another               case               is               Monsanto's               genetically               modified               corn               and               other               vegetables               that               are               in               part               responsible               for               the               extinction               of               at               least               60               percent               of               the               honeybee               population               in               the               Unites               States.

In               addition,               the               use               of               other               technologies               like               cell               phones               radiation,               which               causes               brain               cancer               and               fluoride               in               the               water               we               drink               which               scars               our               body's               internal               tissue               are               just               a               few               examples               of               how               new               technologies               bring               more               trouble               than               solutions               to               our               daily               lives.
               In               the               case               of               mind               control,               solutions               must               be               found               before               this               technology               is               implemented               widely.

Mind               Control               programs               cannot               fall               into               the               hands               of               private               citizens               or               corporations,               which               will               clearly               use               them               as               forms               of               manipulation.

The               ways               in               which               these               technologies               are               put               into               action               must               be               kept               secret.

The               levels               of               information               regarding               this               and               other               ways               of               mass               control               must               be               spread               out               to               the               populations               so               they               are               aware               of               the               potential               use               of               substances               and               electromagnetic               waves               as               instruments               of               mind               control.

Read               and               watch               the               bibliographical               material               listed               below               and               give               it               to               as               many               people               as               possible               in               order               to               raise               awareness.

The               key               as               in               most               cases               is               education.

Passionate               discussions               are               good,               but               passionate               discussions               with               education               are               better.

The               process               should               take               us               to               find               complete               and               absolute               transparency               from               our               government               and               other               entities               that               are               in               possession               of               mind               control               and               other               technologies               that               may               potentially               harm               us               as               supposed               to               enlighten               us.
               "Mind               Control:               The               Ultimate               Brave               New               World"
               "Controlling               the               Human               Mind".


Nick               Begich.
               "Advanced               Neural               Implants               and               Control".

Daryl               R.


Department               of               Bioengeneering,               Arizona               State               University
               Biophysical               Warfare               -               The               Mind               Has               No               Firewalls.

               Darpatech               2002               Symposium               -               Transforming               Fantasy.
               USSR               Hypnosis               at               a               Distance               Defense               Intelligence               Agency
               DEPARTMENT               OF               THE               NAVY               ~               OFFICE               OF               THE               SECRETARY               SECNAVINST               3900.39D               _               HUMAN               RESEARCH               PROTECTION               PROGRAM

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