2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'ai force'|...various companies and has often been a silent driving force behind many groundbreaking ventures with RL & SL based companies...

About 'ai force'|...various companies and has often been a silent driving force behind many groundbreaking ventures with RL & SL based companies...

The               main               thesis               of               the               book               is               about               the               future               of               humanity               and               the               development               of               artificial               intelligence               (AI)               with               a               focus               on               the               impact               of               the               later               on               human               consciousness.

To               illustrate               this               point               and               form               background               on               it               he               starts               from               the               beginning,               literally               the               very               beginning               on               time.

He               moves               forward               in               sweeping               chapters               that               cover               any               possible               angle               of               the               subject               philosophical,               scientifically,               mathematically,               and               presents               his               on               thoughts               on               the               present               theory's               presented               by               these               subjects.

The               general               idea               he               presents               is               that               human               like               intelligence               will               be               available               from               affordable               computing               devices               within               the               next               few               decades.

This               will               revolutionize               every               aspect               of               life               leading               to               humanity               and               machinery               becoming               one               and               the               same.

This               idea               has               been               a               philosophical               argument               since               Plato               yet               he               is               able               to               breathe               new               life               into               by               presenting               all               of               the               original               points               then               like               a               philosopher               builds               an               argument               based               on               all               the               original               information               that               compels               even               the               biggest               skeptic               to               agree               with               his               view.
               If               what               Kurzweil               says               is               true               though               this               means               that               very               soon,               within               our               lives,               everything               is               going               to               change.

However               you               do               something               now               it               won't               be               done               that               way               in               the               future.

For               an               economist               the               presence               of               AI               presents               so               many               opportunities.

First               just               in               the               production               of               such               machines               which               will               have               mass               demand               seeing               as               the               idea               has               been               a               part               of               popular               culture               for               the               better               part               of               100               years.

There               would               be               no               need               to               market               such               a               device               because               selling               real               science               fiction               as               science               fact               has               never               been               hard.

Look               at               the               space               program               people               didn't               even               object               because               it               was               to               good               to               believe               and               when               it               happened               everyone               was               all               for               it.
               If               the               robots               are               just               like               people               as               presented               in               the               book               then               that               also               means               another               market               an               entirely               new               consumer,               the               robots               themselves.

Birth               rates               can               be               predicted               and               tracked,               but               there               is               not               a               set               number               as               there               would               be               with               AI.

This               means               that               supply               and               demand               trends               could               be               set               early               for               anything               sold               only               to               the               AI               market.

The               AI               will               have               to               earn               their               buying               power               just               as               we               all               do               though.

This               shouldn't               be               a               problem               because               they               will               become               members               of               the               work               force               just               as               we               are.
               With               more               buying               power               they               will               have               more               spending               power,               companies               seeing               this               will               want               to               produce               more               AI               just               so               they               can               earn               more               so               they               can               spend               more.

This               could               present               a               problem               for               us               the               humans               rules               for               the               production               of               AI               would               have               to               be               set               early               on               and               laws               to               protect               them               from               exploitation               as               well.

Human               needs               are               easy               to               understand               and               prepare               for               because               we               all               have               them               hunger,               thirst,               shelter,               etc.

The               AI               will               bring               with               themselves               a               new               set               of               needs               this               will               increase               markets               and               capital               simply               because               its               not               an               untapped               resource               it's               a               totally               new               one.

Food               could               be               useless               to               the               AI,               but               they               need               some               source               of               fuel               if               it's               synthetic               then               only               the               AI's               will               use               it               thus               meeting               a               new               demand               with               a               new               product               both               which               were               unimportant               before               the               arrival               of               the               AI.
               It               truly               is               a               brave               new               world               and               if               we               are               all               as               optimistic               as               Kurzweil               then               it's               a               challenge               we               can               all               easily               meet               and               make               a               lot               of               money               off               of.

These               machines               could               provide               a               means               to               an               end               of               the               old               ways               and               finally               usher               in               a               new               age               throwing               out               the               exploitation               of               people.

Hopefully               we               won't               exchange               the               mistreatment               of               humans               for               that               of               AI.
               His               predictions               for               the               year               2009               while               many               appear               to               be               valid               to               me               on               some               small               scale.

Do               not               fully               take               into               account               America               reluctance               to               adopt               new               technology.

While               he               does               talk               about               this               small               minority,               he               calls               it,               they               are               brushed               aside               and               not               really               looked               at.

When               in               reality               people               won't               be               doing               anything               different               in               five               years               because               most               people               cannot               afford               the               advances               in               technology               now               much               less               in               five               years.

The               author               feels               that               it               is               just               a               matter               of               making               the               available               and               cheep               people               will               buy               it.

This               is               an               increasing               trend               in               marketing               as               well.

No               longer               do               they               take               into               account               the               amount               of               money               people               have,               but               act               as               if               everyone               has               money.

You               can               even               notice               at               the               store               when               they               ask               if               you               would               like               to               add               something               with               your               purchase.
               People               do               not               have               the               money               for               all               these               advancements               and               they               will               not               buy               them               unless               they               cannot               live               without               them.

He               acts               like               as               soon               as               something               is               available               everyone               will               get               it.

When               in               reality               it               is               usually               a               marketing               ploy               by               which               they               no               longer               make               the               old               products               so               you               are               forced               to               buy               the               new               ones               at               some               point.

A               good               example               would               be               Beta               then               VHS               then               Laser               Disc               now               DVD.

The               only               reason               Laser               Disk               failed               was               because               VHS               was               still               around               and               cheaper.

What               reason               does               any               one               have               to               buy               Laser               Disc.

               The               computer               being               small               light               weight               and               having               several               on               you               at               all               times               is               already               a               reality,               just               a               few               people               have               them.

One               because               they               are               hard               to               operate               and               two               because               of               cost.

I               personality               have               see               three               or               four               people               in               the               last               few               years               looking               through               their               email               with               a               finger               sensor               and               an               optic               piece.

So               I               can               see               this               becoming               a               reality               in               the               coming               years.
               His               view               that               modern               forms               of               entertainment               such               as               movies,               music,               and               other               forms               of               media               will               no               longer               contain               a               physical               counterpart               is               also               a               reality               and               will               only               continue               to               increase.

Students               learning               more               with               interactive               computers               than               with               teacher               is               also               happening               more               and               more.

Toy               computers               like               the               leap               pad               taught               my               brother               to               read.
               His               guesses               on               the               advancements               of               people               with               disabilities               seems               overly               optimistic.

I               don't               see               speech               to               text               devices               or               vise               versa               working               all               that               well.

A               kind               of               GPS               for               blind               people               seems               just               as               silly               because               it               doesn't               take               into               account               objects               that               are               changing               .

If               everything               is               wired               into               this               information               net               work               so               the               GPS               will               work               on               everything               then               it               is               very               behind               because               right               now               GPS               for               cars               still               doesn't               work               very               well               and               that               is               only               for               driving               directions.
               His               view               of               the               arts               is               basic               such               as               in               regards               to               music.

Now               we               have               advanced               enough               to               where               you               can               perform               music               without               a               band,               but               those               devices               are               still               very               hard               to               use               and               still               require               musical               talent.

Brain-Generated               music               seems               silly               and               I               am               not               sure               why               anyone               would               even               want               that.
               Phone               sex               improving               is               his               best               prediction               although               we               are               limited               in               regards               to               what               we               can               do               to               the               image               in               real               time               we               can               talk               to               another               person,               with               a               slight               delay,               and               see               them               just               fine.

It's               only               a               matter               of               time               until               we               can               affect               the               image               as               we               please.

I               could               see               this               market               growing               and               the               advancements               get               better.
               Warfare               being               a               matter               of               computational               and               communication               has               always               been               true               and               I               assume               continue               to               be.

The               idea               that               the               battlefield               will               be               occupied               by               small               flying               objects               no               large               than               birds               with               their               own               AI               doesn't               seem               realistic               to               me.

Because               there               is               no               way               to               maintain               and               hold               ground               in               this               manner.

Unless               the               only               function               of               the               devices               is               to               totally               destroy               the               enemy               and               or               structures.

I               could               see               such               devices               being               used               for               recon               or               limited               attacks,               but               I               don't               see               them               replacing               the               soldier               on               the               front               lines.

Nations               will               still               continue               to               fight               because               unless               everyone               is               going               to               learn               to               get               alone               in               the               next               few               years               people               will               continue               armed               attacks.

Terrorism               will               increase               as               more               and               more               people               are               disenfranchised               by               the               increase               in               technology.

In               third               world               nations               the               gap               between               poor               and               rich               will               increase               with               the               new               advancements               causing               more               unrest               and               more               despair.
               The               author               sees               the               world               getting               better               in               most               ways               where               I               see               the               same               old               world               with               new               toys.

It's               always               been               this               way               we               improve               on               the               old               stuff               and               make               new               stuff.

That               doesn't               mean               we               change               much               at               all.

We               still               lust,               we               still               fight,               and               we               still               have               urges               outside               the               bounds               of               any               advancement.

So               only               looking               at               the               good               side               of               these               advancements               sounds               great,               but               where               is               the               con               I               did               not               see               in               any               part               of               this               chapter,               this               could               lead               to               unrest               (Replace               unrest               with               war,               population               decrease,               antisocial               behavior,               etc).

I'm               not               saying               I               know               the               effect               of               future               advancements,               but               I               expect               the               author               of               a               book               on               the               subject               to               have               something.
               The               future               in               the               spirit               of               progress               is               always               going               to               bring               about               many               marvels               that               we               only               consider               fiction               now,               but               it               is               foolish               for               us               to               act               like               that               has               never               happened               before.

I               feel               the               author               is               saying               the               whole               world               is               going               to               change               in               a               radical               new               way.

Nah,               we               all               see               it               coming               popular               culture               is               always               looking               at               the               future               even               if               we               don't               know               it.

Fiction               becomes               fact,               but               this               doesn't               upset               the               entire               world.

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