2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'air force military school'|...once planned to join the military after graduating from high school, but had changed... to go into the Air Force. They told him...

About 'air force military school'|...once planned to join the military after graduating from high school, but had changed... to go into the Air Force. They told him...

The               United               States               Air               Force               Academy               in               Colorado               Springs,               Colorado               is               at               once               one               of               the               best               educational               opportunities               and               one               of               the               most               challenging               college               commitments               any               student               can               make.

While               the               Air               Force               Academy               will               provide               you               with               a               state               of               the               art               education,               it               will               also               demand               a               full               time               mental               and               physical               effort               on               your               part.

The               reason               for               the               creation               of               the               United               States               Air               Force               Academy               in               Colorado               Springs,               Colorado               is               to               prepare               officers               to               serve               in               the               United               States               Air               Force.

This               is               serious               business               and               those               who               approach               the               United               States               Air               Force               Academy               as               potential               students               should               really               do               so               only               after               a               very               thorough               review               and               lots               of               discussions.

Not               So               Very               Long               Ago.

The               United               States               Air               Force               Academy,               Colorado               Springs,               Colorado               has               the               shortest               history               of               the               United               States               service               academies.

It               was               not               until               after               World               War               II               and               the               Korean               War               had               pretty               much               gone               into               the               history               books               that               President               Eisenhower               signed               off               on               the               creation               of               the               United               States               Air               Force               Academy,               Colorado               Springs,               Colorado.
               President               Eisenhower,               a               man               of               considerable               military               experience,               had               learned               first               hand               of               the               growing               importance               of               trained               and               skilled               pilots               and               leadership               in               the               air               branch               of               the               nation's               national               defense.

Under               the               Eisenhower               administration,               in               1954               the               Air               Force               Academy               became               operational               and               finally               moved               into               its               brand               new               facility               near               Colorado               Springs               several               years               later.

The               first               class               consisted               of               only               about               300               cadets               but               today               the               school               is               open               to               a               set               enrollment               of               4,000               undergraduate               cadets.
               While               the               United               States               Air               Force               Academy               cannot               trace               its               roots               back               as               far               as               the               other               service               academies,               its               late               arrival               to               the               collection               of               armed               services               academies               has               allowed               it               to               start               out               without               the               baggage               of               old               buildings               and               old               equipment               .

As               a               result               the               grounds               and               facilities               offered               at               the               U.S.

Air               Force               Academy               as               for               the               most               part               state               of               the               art.
               Academic               Achievement.

Certainly               a               large               part               of               the               training               given               to               prospective               Air               Force               officers               is               in               the               area               of               academics.

When               undergraduates               come               to               the               Air               Force               Academy               they               are               also               in               effect               attending               an               undergraduate               college.

They               have               a               choice               from               among               30               majors.

While               there               are               plenty               of               avenues               open,               the               majority               of               students               determine               to               select               majors               in               the               area               of               science               or               engineering.
               The               training               received               here               is               not               all               in               the               classroom.

Physical               development               is               also               part               of               the               training               program               at               the               Air               Force               Academy.

Cadets               are               required               to               participate               in               varsity               or               intramural               sports               throughout               their               four               year               stay               at               the               academy.

They               are               also               required               to               take               a               Physical               Education               course               amounting               to               6               credit               hours               .

Fitness               is               encouraged               as               part               of               the               overall               readiness               of               a               young               man               or               woman               for               military               service               and               leadership
               Because               of               the               academic               and               physical               demands               of               coming               to               the               U.


Air               Force               Academy,               students               who               are               interested               must               work               hard               during               their               high               school               to               qualify.

In               terms               of               academic               performance,               academy               statistics               indicate               that               half               of               all               the               students               who               enter               the               Air               Force               Academy               were               among               the               top               10%               of               their               high               school               graduating               class.

This               is               not               a               school               to               apply               to               if               your               academic               approach               in               high               school               has               been               to               simply               get               by.
               What               You               Get               at               the               USAFA               Being               accepted               into               the               U.


Air               Force               Academy               is               a               great               accomplishment               as               it               is               a               highly               competitive               institution.

Those               who               get               in               can               count               on               several               thing.

First               of               all               you               will               be               the               recipient,               regardless               of               your               choice               of               major,               of               a               first               class               education               with               small               classes,               outstanding               faculty               and               state               of               the               art               equipment.
               As               a               cadet               you               will               have               the               opportunity               to               learn               how               to               fly.

There               are               two               airstrips               right               on               campus.

You               will               have               the               chance               to               live               in               community               with               other               highly               motivated               and               intelligent               young               men               and               women.

Best               of               all               you               will               have               all               of               this               pretty               much               given               to               you               by               the               U.



There               will               be               no               tuition               bills               arriving               at               your               parents'               mail               box               and               no               stacks               of               college               loans               after               graduation.

Instead,               following               graduation               what               you               will               have               is               a               ready               made               career               and               your               first               assignment               mapped               out               for               you.

For               someone               who               likes               to               go               first               class               and               who               loves               all               that               goes               with               flying,               the               U.


Air               Force               Academy               has               lots               to               offer.

But               wait,               what               about               the               other               side               of               the               coin.
               What               the               Air               Force               Wants               in               Return.

Usually               if               something               seems               too               good               to               be               true,               you               need               to               take               a               second               look.

Yes               the               package               offered               by               the               United               States               Air               Force               Academy               is               outstanding.

The               Air               Force               makes               a               tremendous               investment               of               time               and               money               in               each               of               its               cadets.

The               thing               is,               even               while               no               tuition               or               room               and               board               is               charged,               the               Air               Force               wants               plenty               in               return.

During               your               four               years               nothing               but               your               best               effort               in               every               aspect               of               training               will               be               acceptable.

You               will               put               in               lots               of               hours               in               both               physical               and               mental               preparation               before               you               finally               graduate.

When               you               do,               you               don't               just               get               to               walk               off               the               campus.
               In               return               for               your               quality               education               you               are               committed               to               serve               in               the               U.


Air               Force               for               five               years.

For               many               cadets               this               is               of               course               why               they               came               to               the               academy               in               the               first               place,               they               want               to               make               a               career               out               of               service               in               the               Air               Force.

Others               are               happy               to               have               job               that               allows               them               to               continue               to               get               excellent               flight               experience               and               see               the               commitment               as               an               entry               level               job               with               a               really               good               employer.

Some               will               undoubtedly               find               the               five               year               commitment               difficult,               demanding               and               disruptive.
               The               Air               Force               Academy               offers               a               great               quality               education               and               leadership               training               that               will               be               of               value               where               ever               you               decide               to               go.

It               is               just               essential               for               potential               students               to               really               give               serious               consideration               to               the               commitment               they               are               being               asked               to               make.

Image of air force military school

air force military school
air force military school

air force military school Image 1

air force military school
air force military school

air force military school Image 2

air force military school
air force military school

air force military school Image 3

air force military school
air force military school

air force military school Image 4

air force military school
air force military school

air force military school Image 5

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