2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'military academy college'|Mom Readies for Son’s Military College

About 'military academy college'|Mom Readies for Son’s Military College

NATO               and               the               United               States               are               engaged               in               the               revitalization               of               the               military               forces               of               Afghanistan.

After               the               Russian               invasion,               the               Taliban               years               and               the               civil               war,               one               of               the               keys               to               restoring               the               national               government               was               restoration               of               the               military.

The               Afghan               Army               has               a               proud               history,               and               a               number               of               men               who               previously               served               have               rejoined               and               provide               the               backbone               of               the               new               Army.



David               Hogg,               deputy               commander-Army,               NATO               Training               Mission-Afghanistan,               recent               talked               to               me               and               other               bloggers               about               another               important               area               in               the               ongoing               growth               of               a               professional               Afghan               Army,               professional               military               education               (PME).

Modern               armies               such               as               that               of               the               United               States               and               Great               Britain               have               a               number               of               schools               and               courses               that               soldiers               participate               in               from               the               time               that               they               enter               the               service.

There               are               academies               such               as               West               Point               and               Sandhurst.

There               are               Ranger               or               Commando               schools,               schools               to               train               non-commissioned               officers               and               staff               colleges               where               officers               add               to               their               knowledge               and               skills.
               Hogg               talked               with               us               about               what               NATO               is               doing               to               establish               a               similar               group               of               schools               for               the               Afghan               Army.

The               Afghan               National               Military               Academy               just               graduated               its               first               group               of               212               officers.

49               of               those               were               sent               to               the               Afghan               National               Army               Air               Corps.

The               remaining               new               officers               were               assigned               by               specialty               and               then               lot               to               the               various               Afghan               Army               units.
               MG               Hogg               made               it               clear               that               the               lottery               process               was               integral               to               ensuring               that               no               political               influence               tainted               the               assignment               of               the               officers.

The               drawing               was               held               publicly               and               many               senior               Afghan               officers               attended               to               show               their               support.
               The               new               class               at               the               four               year               Academy               will               consist               of               640               men.

Hogg               told               us               that               40               medical               students               will               leave               after               year               one               to               go               to               medical               school.
               The               General               also               reported               that               in               April,               NATO               will               partner               with               the               Afghan               Army               to               operate               and               officer               candidate               school               for               42               Afghan               women.

This               is               a               first,               and               the               school               will               be               taught               by               women,               recognizing               the               cultural               needs               and               local               relationships               between               the               sexes.
               At               the               end               of               February,               the               Afghan               Army               Command               and               Staff               College               graduated               73               officers.

General               Hogg               also               advised               that               a               non-commissioned               officers               academy               and               a               sergeants               major               academy               were               functioning               and               graduating               personnel.
               The               specialty               schools,               Hogg               said,               are               being               brought               on               line               gradually.

Armor,               artillery,               signal,               military               police,               engineers               and               other               specialties               are               now               being               trained,               to               introduce               additional               capability               to               the               infantry               heavy               Afghan               Army.
               Another               training               effort               discussed               by               the               General               was               literacy.

Most               Afghan               enlisted               soldiers               cannot               read               or               write.

Basic               literacy               skills,               in               Dari,               are               being               pushed               into               the               enlisted               training               programs,               adding               a               week               or               more               to               those               courses.

The               intention               is               that,               at               every               level               of               training,               the               individual               soldier               will               have               more               literacy               training               as               well.
               The               Afghan               National               Army               is               building               its               professional               military               education               capacity               as               it               builds               its               numbers.

PME               will               allow               the               Army               to               assume               more               and               more               of               the               security               duties               that               NATO               and               United               States               troops               now               perform.

The               goal               is               to               enable               the               Afghans               to               handle               their               own               security               needs               in               the               next               few               years.

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military academy college

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military academy college

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military academy college

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military academy college

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