2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'air force new'|Air Force Welcomes New Chief of Staff

About 'air force new'|Air Force Welcomes New Chief of Staff

Sci-Fi               Channel's               hit               show,               "Ghost               Hunters",               continues               to               garner               new               fans.

In               the               hands               of               TAPS               (The               Atlantic               Paranormal               Society)               founders,               Jason               Hawes               and               Grant               Wilson,               the               business               is               building               a               sound               reputation               for               professionalism               and               honesty.

TAPS               provides               real               life               ghost               busters               who               always               go               into               a               situation               with               open               eyes               and               a               plan               to               debunk               what               they               can               in               order               to               get               to               the               real               heart               of               the               matter.

The               result               leads               to               a               thorough               investigation.

Therefore,               whenever               TAPS               does               proclaim               that               paranormal               exists,               people               listen.
               TAPS               is               always               armed               with               good               equipment.

This               usually               includes               several               still               and               video               cameras               (both               standard               and               infrared),               audio               recorders,               thermal               imaging               equipment,               digital               thermometers,               electromagnetic               field               recorders,               night               vision               goggles,               and               more.

They               are               prepared               for               virtually               any               situation,               which               came               in               handy               for               their               latest               adventure.
               Contacted               by               the               U.S.

Air               Force,               TAPS               was               asked               to               investigate               Wright-Patterson               Air               Force               Base               in               Dayton,               Ohio.

It               seems               that               recent               renovation               to               one               of               the               country's               oldest               and               largest               military               bases               has               resulted               in               a               rekindling               of               the               ghosts               that               haunt               the               base.
               Two               major               buildings               were               cited               with               stories               of               the               supernatural.

The               first               building               was               a               warehouse               where               aircraft               are               routinely               repaired.

The               staff               there               has               reported               a               myriad               of               stories               of               paranormal               activity.

This               includes               footsteps               with               no               body               attached,               moving               of               papers               and               objects               on               the               desks               of               personnel,               and               unusual               banging               sounds.
               The               other               building               of               note               is               the               Arnold               house;               an               old               home               that               the               base               purchased               and               expanded               around.

While               it               was               once               used               as               a               home               for               the               base               commander,               it               is               now               used               as               office               space.

Staff               there               have               also               reported               sounds               of               footsteps,               the               laughter               of               unseen               children,               moving               of               objects,               and               doors               that               seem               to               slam               all               on               their               own.
               The               team               first               tackled               the               house,               planting               cameras               in               all               of               the               areas               where               reports               of               paranormal               activity               had               been               reported.

Jason               and               Grant               planted               themselves               in               the               room               with               the               most               reported               activity.

After               noting               some               changes               in               the               thermal               temperature               of               the               room,               they               decided               to               try               to               communicate               with               any               potential               spirits.
               Jason               asked               the               spirits               if               they               would               be               willing               to               communicate               and               indicated               that               they               should               rap               once               for               yes               and               twice               for               no.

Almost               immediately,               a               single               knock               was               heard.

He               then               asked               a               series               of               questions               that               the               supposed               spirits               responded               to               with               the               appropriate               raps.
               At               one               point               the               team               decided               to               try               and               determine               how               many               spirits               might               be               in               the               house.

They               asked               the               ghost               to               rap               when               they               hit               the               right               number               and               then               began               to               ramble               off               digits               "1,               2,               3,               4,               and               5.

A               single               rap               was               heard               as               soon               as               they               reached               the               number.
               Jason               then               challenged               the               spirits               to               join               together               to               shut               a               door.

Almost               immediately,               the               door               behind               his               chair               began               to               slowly               move               to               a               closed               position.

After               checking               it               out               to               see               if               it               might               have               closed               on               its               own,               Jason               concluded               that               was               highly               unlikely.
               In               one               final               test,               Jason               held               out               a               flashlight               and               demonstrated               how               easy               it               was               to               turn               it               off               and               on;               with               a               gentle               push               of               the               bottom               button.

He               then               laid               the               flashlight               down               on               the               ground               and               asked               the               spirits               to               turn               it               on.

After               a               few               seconds,               the               light               flashed               on,               then               off,               and               finally               on               once               more.
               Upstairs,               other               team               members               also               tried               to               communicate               with               the               spirits,               asking               questions               and               encouraging               their               response.

In               response               they               received               girlish               giggles.
               Team               members               in               another               area               of               the               house               tried               to               encourage               the               ghosts               to               knock               over               candlesticks.

When               that               did               not               occur,               they               asked               the               spirits               if               they               could               move               closer               to               their               thermal               temperature               measuring               equipment.

Almost               immediately               the               temperature               on               the               equipment               began               to               slowly               rise.

This               happened               several               times               in               response               to               requests.
               Next,               TAPS               tackled               the               warehouse.

Again,               they               set               up               cameras               in               the               areas               where               the               most               activity               was               believed               to               take               place.
               As               Jason               and               Grant               began               doing               EVP               (electronic               voice               phenomenon)               work,               they               heard               footsteps.

Moving               to               the               area               from               where               they               came,               Jason               thought               he               saw               a               black               mass               block               out               a               nearby               light.
               Grant               asked               the               spirits               to               communicate               with               them               by               rapping               once               for               yes               and               twice               for               no.

He               then               asked               if               they               were               angry               that               TAPS               was               there.

One               rap               responded.

Again,               the               team               asked               questions               and               received               responses.
               As               the               raps               got               louder,               Jason               asked               the               ghosts               if               they               wanted               to               TAPS               to               leave.

One               knock               was               heard.

Jason               promised               that               they               would               vacate               the               building               if               the               spirits               delivered               two               solid               knock               responses.

Two               loud               knocks               were               then               heard               and,               true               to               their               word,               the               team               vacated               the               building.
               After               analyzing               their               equipment               results,               TAPS               was               able               to               provide               film               proof               of               the               flashlight               incident               as               well               as               audio               evidence               of               their               believed               conversations               with               the               spirits               of               Wright               Patterson.

The               proof               was               compelling               and               seemed               to               impress               the               base               commander               and               staff.
               When               asked               if               they               believed               that               Wright               Patterson               was               haunted,               TAPS               said               they               believed               for               certain               that               the               base               had               certainly               been               built               around               a               haunted               house               (the               Arnold               house).

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